Vespasian Warner Public Library District Clinton, IL 61727 Board of Trustees Meeting May 8, 2024 President Laura Hale called the meeting of the board to order at 6:02 p.m. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Hale, Janelle Sams-Thomas, Matt Love, Becky Adams, and Clay Held. Absent: Stephanie Coonce and Camille Redman. Also present: Executive Director Bobbi Perryman and Youth Services Manager Melissa Snow. Corrections or additions to the minutes: The minutes from April 10, 2024, were approved by voice vote on a motion by Held. Approval of Bills—None Correspondence—None Staff Reports—Staff is beginning work on the Local History Festival planned for next year. Among local organizations involved are the DeWitt County Museum, Weldon Springs Foundation, the DAR, and the DeWitt County Genealogical Society. A food truck and speakers are included in the plans. Almost all the library statistics are up, while the Digital Archives are down. June is the busiest month of the year. We have five newbies on staff who will experience their first busy June. The Summer Reading Club kickoff is planned for June 1, with a fire truck, balloon animals, and free treats from Sweet Mae’s for those under 16. Standing Committee Reports a. Finance—Since the first of the fiscal year, CDs have earned $41,000 at 5 percent interest. Interest had been at 1%. b. Property—HVAC update: The ENTEC team was here last week, including Project Manager Dan Hawk. They were measuring and talking about lighting and energy incentives from Ameren. The roofing inspection has been done. Lucas and Trevor have been planting flowers. The broken window will cost about $800 and, in addition, will need a new sill. Staff is still working on locating someone to do the work, which may have to be done by Lucas. c. Personnel—None d. Policy—None e. Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee—119 people have completed the Community Survey, answering such questions as how often they visit the library, library rating satisfaction, most important library service, and indicating the location within the district of those answering. The Monical’s incentive card was won by Beth Wickenhauser, former board president. The committee is working on creating targeted focus groups, such as home schooling families, disabled patrons, seniors, families with young children, the homebound, and teachers. Business Items: a. The board considered the draft of an equal employment opportunity policy. It was approved by voice vote on a motion by Adams. An FMLA policy draft from HR Source had problems, as pointed out by our attorney. It was nixed and will be reworked and the resulting policy will be presented to the board later. b. We received an audit engagement letter from our current auditors, Clifton, Larson, and Allen of Champaign. Our audit is due at the end of the calendar year and cannot be started before October, after the end of our fiscal year. Last year their cost was $12,000. This year they want $13,500 plus $2,500 for new audit standards for a total of $16,000. One new standard is a risk assessment and two others do not seem to apply to us, says Love, who contacted them. No reduction in cost was offered for not doing those two items. Perryman checked with some other libraries about their audit costs. Allerton Public Library in Monticello is being charged $15,000 by the same company. Chatham’s cost is $6,800. Their long-term auditors are Estes, Bridgewater, and Ogden CPAs out of Springfield. Mt. Vernon’s cost is $5,200 by the same firm. Perryman is checking into other companies. Announcements—Perryman noted that the Bluey party was well-received. The Bluey costume was passed around and used by other libraries, as well as ours, including Jerseyville and Forsyth. Cooperation with other libraries has benefited everyone. Also, the Friends of the library book sale did well, taking in $896.13. Adjournment—On a motion by Love, the meeting was adjourned at 7:32 p.m. Motion passed by voice vote. The next meeting is Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at 6 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Becky Adam