Vespasian Warner Public Library Policy Committee Meeting Minutes Aug 23, 2023 Members present: Becky Adams, Janelle Sams Thomas Others present: Bobbi Perryman Meeting called to order at 10:04 AM. Minutes from the June 29, 2023 meeting were approved by voice vote. The committee reviewed the draft item display policy. The policy will go to the full board in September. Perryman asked for input for procedures for the following two situations: 1. Minors whose parents/guardians owe excessive fees for lost items a. The committee suggested restricting the accounts for those minors to a few items at a time. b. If the minors continue to return their items on time, they can continue to check items out. 2. Unaccompanied Adults on the Children’s Floor a. The committee suggested restricting seating areas in the children’s room to children and accompanying adults. b. Unaccompanied adults may still browse the collection, use study rooms, and attend events in the upstairs meeting rooms. The meeting adjourned at 10:23 AM.