Vespasian Warner Public Library District Property Committee August 30, 2023 – 2pm Meeting Minutes Meeting called to order at 4:23 pm Members present: Laura Hale, Janelle Sams-Thomas Others present: Samantha Rusk The minutes from the 8/7/23 meeting were approved as written. HVAC Project Planning The committee reviewed questions from McClure Engineering to assist in bid package preparation for the HVAC project. The questions focused on library preferences and specifications for contractor work throughout the project. The committee recommends the following priorities and preferences: • Building access: The library should have a priority to stay open to the public as much as possible during project construction. • Phasing: Attempts to work in sections of the building would be preferred to full closure. • Timeline: The contractor and involved parties should adhere to an agreed-upon project timeline. • Schedule Planning: The contractor should provide a schedule of planned work to the library in advance to allow for movement of library assets, public schedule changes, etc… • Construction Timing: All efforts should be made to avoid construction in main areas during Summer Reading. • Behavior Policies: Contractor staff are working in a professional and public environment. No loud/disruptive music, cursing, smoking, etc… Rusk will work with McClure Engineering to work these preferences into the bid documents. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm.