Vespasian Warner Public Library District Finance Committee August 9, 2023 Meeting Minutes Meeting called to order at 5:34 p.m. Members present: Matt Love, Jonah Kolb Others present: Samantha Rusk Approval of minutes from last meeting The minutes from the March 1, 2023 meeting were approved with one addition to note recommendation to keep one year of expenses in reserve at all times FY 23-24 Budget, Appropriations, and Levy Planning The committee reviewed the draft budget and ordinance document that will be presented for board approval on August 23. Major areas of discussion included staff salary planning for 2024, liability/tort/risk management expenses, IMRF, and capital expenditures. Rusk will check in with library auditors for guidance on cell phone reimbursement placement within the budget. She will also reach out to the county to see if there are any updates to the EAV for the next tax year. Finally, Rusk will have the library’s attorney review the ordinance document before the meeting. HVAC Project Proposal and Funding Rusk updated the committee on the status of the library’s HVAC project. The property committee has reviewed the proposal from McClure Engineering and it will be recommended for approval at the August board meeting. Love asked Rusk to calculate the library’s average monthly expenses and estimated down payment that will be needed for the project in order to plan for project payment. Rusk will also reach out to McClure Engineering for an updated project timeline to assist in funding plans. Meeting adjourned at 6:23 p.m.