Vespasian Warner Public Library District Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee February 28, 2024 – 4:30pm Meeting Minutes Meeting called to order at 4:38 pm Members present: Stephanie Coonce, Clay Held Others present: Bobbi Perryman Perryman talked through the history of the current plan since neither Held nor Coonce were on the board when the originally drafted the plan. The committee agreed the plan does not need remade, but just updated. The committee brainstormed stakeholders and groups the library can reach out to for surveys and focus groups/meet-ups. Groups to reach out to: Encore/People with disabilities Book sale visitors Community bulletin boards w/QR codes The Vault - Teens Friendship Center/Seniors Housing – talking to Samantha Schools – Family literacy night Business expo Educator community – school librarians Wapella Says Yes Families/Young families Homebound patrons/Nursing home/Seniors Homeschoolers Faith groups? YMCA The committee discussed the survey. Perryman will draft a survey and send it to the committee for review. Meeting adjourned at 5:07PM