Vespasian Warner Public Library District Property Committee June 22, 2023 – 2pm Meeting Minutes Meeting called to order at 2:00 pm Members present: Laura Hale, Janelle Sams-Thomas Others present: Samantha Rusk, Lucas Snow The minutes from the 4/4/23 meeting were approved as written. HVAC Engineering Project The committee reviewed the design proposal options from McClure Engineering for Full Design or Design-Assist work related to the HVAC project. The committee recommended looking at the Design-Assist option with some additions to the scope of work including pre-bid conference meeting attendance, final inspections, timeline acknowledgement, and rates for additional services/travel. Rusk will create a document with suggested revisions for the committee to review and will also check in with the library’s attorney to make sure the process is completed correctly. Snow noted that in addition to the upcoming project, he will be purchasing a dehumidifier for the old building to address humidity issues, particularly in the archive areas. VOIP Phone Systems Snow and Rusk discussed a recent quote received for cloud/VOIP phone services. The approximate cost will be less than or equal to current phone service and includes several features that will aid in staff efficiency. Additional quotes are being collected and will be presented at a future meeting for discussion. Keyless Entry Systems Snow and Rusk discussed recent quotes received for keyless building entry. Staff have the quotes collected, but are waiting on a few supporting documents. The quotes will be presented at a future meeting for discussion. Meeting adjourned at 2:32 pm