Board of Trustees & Committees
Library Board of Trustees
The board of trustees establishes and supports library policies, oversees and approves the annual budget and tax levies, and supervises the work of the library director.
Laura Hale - President
Term 4/2023 - 4/2027
Salary: None
Janelle Sams-Thomas - Vice-President
Term 4/2023 - 4/2027
Salary: None
Becky Adams - Secretary
Term 4/2021 - 4/2025
Salary: None
Matt Love - Treasurer
Term 4/2023 - 4/2027
Salary: None
Camille Redman
Term 4/2021 - 4/2025
Salary: None
Stephanie Coonce
Term 4/2023 - 4/2027
Salary: None
Clay Held
Term 4/2021 - 4/2025
Salary: None
You may email the board at board@vwarner.org.
Library Committee Members
​Finance Committee:
Matt Love
Bobbi Perryman
Personnel Committee:
Bobbi Perryman
Stephanie Coonce
Policy Committee:
Becky Adams
Janelle Sams-Thomas
Bobbi Perryman
Property Committee:
Janelle Sams-Thomas
Lucas Snow
Laura Hale
Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee:
Bobbi Perryman
Clay Held
Stephanie Coonce
Board Meeting Agendas/Minutes
Library Board of Trustees
The Regular Meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Vespasian Warner Public Library District for the 2024-2025 fiscal year will be 6:00 p.m., at the Vespasian Warner Public Library, 310 N Quincy St., Clinton, Illinois on the following dates:
​August 28, 2024 - Minutes (Approved 10/9/24)
September 11, 2024 - Meeting Cancelled
October 9, 2024 - Minutes (Approved 11/13/24)
November 13, 2024 - Minutes (Approved 1/8/25)
Vespasian Warner Public Library District
Clinton, IL 61727
Board of Trustees Meeting
November 13, 2024
President Laura Hale called the meeting of the board to order at 6:03 p.m. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Hale, Janelle Sams-Thomas, Matt Love, Becky Adams, Clay Held, and Camille Redman. Absent: Stephanie Coonce. Also present: Executive Director Bobbi Perryman and Youth Services Manager Melissa Snow.
Corrections or additions to the minutes: The minutes from October 9, 2024, were approved by voice vote on a motion by Sams-Thomas.
Approval of Bills—None
Staff Reports—
The library had to close on 10/21 due to sewage gas in the building.
Perryman prepared new staff evaluation forms and conducted staff performance reviews. Only one employee is left to complete.
John Baker donated a sunset red maple for the outdoor seating area.
Snow attended a meeting at the Homestead to prepare for Christmas decorating, and the library purchased a tree for the square again this year.
Halloween participants at the library were fewer in number this year, probably due to the nice weather outside. Snow is planning a table on the square next year to advertise library Halloween activities.
Snow has prepared programming for the children’s floor four months out in preparation for her maternity leave. The baby is due December 9.
Standing Committee Reports
Finance—Three months into the library’s fiscal year, we have had a decrease in expenses compared to those three months last year, more than $21,000 less. However, OCLC and IHLS costs are up. CDs are being renewed at a slightly lower rate.
Property—ENTEC representatives are communicating well. The bid package for the HVAC equipment is online, and the bidding period ends December 2. The equipment is to be purchased by the end of the year. Improvements to the front walk to make it more accessible, including a handrail, are progressing slowly due to the difficulty in deciding on the handrail’s length and problems getting quotes. Perryman is working on an accessibility grant. The library is replacing the 30-year-old refrigerator in the Revere Ware Room.
Business Items:
FY 2024/25 Tax Levy is up $37,000 from last year and totals $1,099,000. Love moved to approve that and the FY 2024/2025 Building Equipment and Maintenance Levy. The motion passed unanimously
Materials Selection Policy Review is required by law every other year, and must include the ALA Freedom to Read section in order for the library to receive state tax money. Adams made the motion to approve the policy, and it passed by voice vote.
Executive Director Performance Review—Sams-Thomas moved to go into closed session at 6:25, and the motion passed unanimously. The board left closed session at 6:54.
Adjournment—On a motion by Adams, the meeting was adjourned at 6:56 p.m. Motion passed by voice vote.
The next meeting is Wednesday, November 11, 2024, at 6 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Becky Adams
December 11, 2024 - Meeting Cancelled
January 8, 2025 - Minutes (Approved 2/19/25)
Vespasian Warner Public Library District
Clinton, IL 61727
Board of Trustees Meeting
January 8, 2025
President Laura Hale called the meeting of the board to order at 6:02 p.m. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Hale, Janelle Sams-Thomas, Matt Love, Becky Adams, Stephanie Coonce (at 6:04), and Camille Redman. Absent: Clay Held. Also present: Executive Director Bobbi Perryman.
Corrections or additions to the minutes: The minutes from November 13, 2024, were approved by voice vote on a motion by Sams-Thomas.
Approval of Bills—None
Correspondence—A card from Nola Hermann expressed thanks for the help and kindness of library staff members, as well as for all the library’s activities.
Staff Reports—
The director noted that there was a big increase in digital services, as well as a huge increase in patron services, such as notary service. The audit update began yesterday. A late extension was filed, and it is now due February 25 due to the increased number of public bodies they are auditing.
Emily Dunham conducted a new activity for adults in December, a coffee club on Fridays. The Coffee Corner provided the coffee.
The self-checkout machine was down in December, so self-checkout numbers were down. Online checkouts are up since the Aspen Catalog was added. In-person visits are up.
After the birth of their baby, Lucas Snow will be back in a week (but plowed snow in the meantime), and Melissa Snow will be back in February.
Standing Committee Reports
Finance—The farm lease was renewed at the same rate with Schwartz Farms, with an annual income of $25,837.50. CDs are up for renewal. Treasurer Matt Love is continuing to monitor the library’s liquidity with Perryman before committing to each renewal.
Property—Utilities are $2,000 less than last year since the boilers were reduced to half capacity
Business Items:
HVAC Project bid and acceptance—Dan Hawk has been to the building several times for measurements. Revied bids will be opened Griday. We will not be replacing the boiler to cut costs, and duplications in the bids have been eliminated.​
Review of Standards for Illinois Libraries. The board reviewed and discussed state library standards.
Announcements—Youth Engaged in Philanthropy, a subcommittee of the Illinois Prairie Community Foundation, composed of high school students from DeWitt, Livingston, McLean, and Logan counties, directed that the library receive a $10,000 grant to purchased 10 science kits for young people to check out.
Adjournment—On a motion by Adams, the meeting was adjourned at 6:36 p.m. Motion passed by voice vote.
The next meeting is Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 6 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Becky Adams
February 19, 2025 - Minutes Pending Approval
March 12, 2025
April 9, 2025
May 14, 2025
June 11, 2025
Board minutes are available for inspection at the Vespasian Warner Public Library.
Finance Committee Agendas/Minutes
The Meetings of the Committees of the Vespasian Warner Public Library District for the 2024-2025 fiscal year will be at the Vespasian Warner Public Library,
310 N Quincy St., Clinton, Illinois.
September 12, 2023 - Minutes Pending Approval
November 6, 2023 - Meeting Cancelled
March 7, 2025 - Agenda
Vespasian Warner Public Library District
Finance Committee Meeting
Friday, March 7, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.
Revere Ware Room - Vespasian Warner Public Library
310 N. Quincy St. Clinton, IL 61727
Roll Call: Matt Love, Camille Redman
Public Comment: Visitors are asked to introduce themselves at this time and present any issues they wish to discuss. Visitors wishing to address specific agenda items will be granted two to five minutes at the discretion of the Committee, not to exceed a total of twenty minutes.
Call to Order:
1. Approval of minutes from last meeting, 6/19/24
2. Discussion Items
i. Payment options for HVAC project
3. Adjournment
Personnel Committee Agendas/Minutes
The Meetings of the Committees of the Vespasian Warner Public Library District for the 2024-2025 fiscal year will be at the Vespasian Warner Public Library,
310 N Quincy St., Clinton, Illinois.​
​September 17, 2024 - Minutes Pending Approval
​​Committee minutes are available for inspection at the Vespasian Warner Public Library.
Policy Committee Agendas/Minutes
The Meetings of the Committees of the Vespasian Warner Public Library District for the 2024-2025 fiscal year will be at the Vespasian Warner Public Library,
310 N Quincy St., Clinton, Illinois.
​April 17, 2024 - Minutes Pending Approval
​Committee minutes are available for inspection at the Vespasian Warner Public Library.​
Property Committee Agendas/Minutes
The Meetings of the Committees of the Vespasian Warner Public Library District for the 2024-2025 fiscal year will be at the Vespasian Warner Public Library,
310 N Quincy St., Clinton, Illinois.
May 30, 2024 - Minutes (Approved 10/15/24)
October 15, 2024 - Minutes (Approved 11/6/24)
November 6, 2024 - Minutes (Approved 12/9/24)
Vespasian Warner Public Library District
Property Committee
November 6, 2024 – 1pm Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 1:00 pm
Members present: Laura Hale, Janelle Sams-Thomas
Others present: Bobbi Perryman, Lucas Snow
The May 30, 2024 minutes were approved with one correction. The October 15, 2024 minutes were approved as written.
Front Walk Repair and Handrail Instillation
The committee inspected the front walk that leads from the patron parking lot to the front door and agreed the concrete needs repair. On a motion from Thomas, the committee approved installation of handrail to run from the patron parking lot to the front door. Snow is gathering quotes on both the handrail and the concrete repair. Snow will also clarify with the City of Clinton where library ownership of the walk begins.
HVAC Update
Perryman gave the committee on the HVAC project. Perryman and Snow met with Daniel Hawk from Entec on 11/4. The bid packages are live and advertised on the library’s website, the Clinton Journal, Decatur Herald & Review, and the contractor website Wassi. The bid period closes on December 2nd.
The property committee will review all bids and make a recommendation to the board at the December 11th board meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 1:38.
December 9, 2024 - Minutes (Approved 2/19/25)
Vespasian Warner Public Library District
Property Committee
December 9, 2024 – 11AM
Meeting Minutes Meeting called to order at 1:03 am
Members present: Laura Hale, Janelle Sams-Thomas Others present: Bobbi Perryman, Lucas Snow, representatives from Entec
The November 6, 2024 minutes were approved.
Dan Hawk from Entec shared the bids that Entec received from contractors. The bids came in higher than expected at $1.8 million as opposed to the prediction of $1.6 million. Entec is going to inspect the bids to ensure there are no double-up costs.
The committee approved keeping the current boiler instead of upgrading to save on costs. The current boiler is still in good condition and efficient.
Because none of the bids met the financial requirement, the committee will not recommend any of them to the board. Entec will work with the bidding companies to bring the costs down and will have new proposals in January 2025.
Front Walk Revamp
The library received a quote for $10,000 for concrete demolition and reconstruction. We are still waiting on a handrail estimate from AAA. Snow will continue to look for estimates from other companies.
The meeting adjourned at 11:33.
February 19, 2025 - Minutes Pending Approval
Committee minutes are available for inspection at the Vespasian Warner Public Library.​
Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee Agendas/Minutes
The Meetings of the Committees of the Vespasian Warner Public Library District for the 2024-2025 fiscal year will be at the Vespasian Warner Public Library,
310 N Quincy St., Clinton, Illinois.​
​May 7, 2024 - Minutes (Approved 8/23/24)
August 23, 2024 - Minutes Pending Approval
​​Committee minutes are available for inspection at the Vespasian Warner Public Library.