The Library maintains a large collection of Audio Books for patrons, including selections in fiction & non-fiction. Audio Books are available in CD & MP3 formats. Audio Books are located on the main floor for adults & are available for a 2 week check out.
In addition the Library now provides free Audio with Hoopla & Libby, By OverDrive. For more information about Hoopla & Libby, By OverDrive, check out our eResources Page!
Additional resources for audio books can be found at Illinois Talking Books.
Illinois Talking Books is a state agency that opens the world of reading for the people of Illinois who cannot read print due to a physical or visual limitation. Contact the Circulation Desk for more information.
Audio Books
The Library offers a variety of games & puzzles for patrons of all ages.
Board & Card Games can be found in the Young Adult section on the main floor & on the children's floor. Games on the Children's Floor are for use in the library and cannot be checked out. Games in the Young Adult section on the main floor can be played in the library or checked out for 2 weeks.
Puzzles are located on the Main Floor & on the Children's Floor. Puzzles on the Children's Floor are for use in the library and cannot be checked out. The puzzles on the Main Floor are available for checkout for 2 weeks.
Board Games & Puzzles
Do you enjoy lively book discussions? Then we have a book discussion group for you!
The library provides the book (either from our collection or borrowed from another library) and you provide the discussion. Refreshments will be provided. Already read the book? Join the discussion anyway! We'd love to hear from you.
Book Discussion Groups
​For our youngest patrons and their families, the Library now offers Children's Developmental Toys. This collection features a wide variety of toys that stimulate, engage, and delight young children. These fun toys provide visual, auditory, and tactile experiences for children and their caregivers. The boxed kits are for use in the library and cannot be checked out.
The Rita Harris Book Bags Plus Activities are also located on the Children's Floor. Inside each bag you will find a children's book, activity sheet, and a story related interactive item to stimulate, engage, and delight young children. The Rita Harris Book Bags Plus Activities are available for a 2 week check out.
Children's Developmental Toys
Free Little Libraries
The Library has free-standing kiosks throughout the district where members of the public may take and leave free books, audiobooks, movies, and magazines. A library staff member will visit each Little Library once a month to refresh the selections.  Locations include Weldon Springs Campground, Lane (Across from the Elevator), Wapella (By Fire Department), and Hallsville (Town Hall). A special Thank You to Lucas Snow and the late David Ward for designing, building, & painting our Little Libraries!
Ready to learn a new skill?
You can check out kits on crochet, knitting, embroidery, and different foreign languages.
All kits are located on the main floor in the non-fiction section. Ask a staff member if you need help locating kits!
Learning Kits
The Library maintains a diverse collection of print magazines for patrons, from general interest titles like Entertainment Weekly and People to publications that cater to more specialized audiences. We generally keep one year of back issues. Adult magazines are located on the main floor in the periodicals reading room, with the current issue available for in-library use and previous issues available for check out for a 2 week period.
The Library maintains a large and diverse collection of movies & TV series for patrons. All DVD's & Blu-rays are available for a 2 week check out period including new releases. The library allows 10 DVD/Blu-ray items per household. Patrons can select their movies in the Periodicals Room on the Main Floor, or the Children's Floor for younger viewers. Movies & TV Series are arranged by genre.
The Library also now offers free streaming / downloading of movies and tv shows through Hoopla. For more information about Hoopla, check out our eResources Page!
Want more information or a review for a certain movie? Check out these websites!
The source for movie, TV and celebrity content, offering a searchable database of
millions of movies, television programs, and cast and crew members.
Basic information about the content and level of various elements in the film, such as
sex, violence and language, without any determination whether a film is “good” or “bad.”
The Internet’s largest database of movie reviews for over 100,000 titles, providing a
searchable index of all published and available reviews, news, interviews, and other
materials associated with specific movies.
Free review archive, offering all films reviewed since 1960, reviews of all Best Picture
Academy Award winners, as well as The New York Times Guide to the Best 1,000
Movies Ever Made.
Compilation of reviews and ratings gleaned from the Internet and from actual viewers of
the films.
Movies & TV Series
The Library maintains a large collection of Music CDs for patrons. CDs are located on the main floor for adults & are available for a 2 week check out / 5 items per household.
In addition the Library now provides free music streaming / downloading of thousands of albums in all genres with Hoopla. For more information about Hoopla, check out our eResources Page!
Tune in to learn about library topics, DeWitt County history, and new books and movies available at your library. Here are some of the recent topics:
Five Faves: Kyle's Favorite Underrated Films Business Manager Kyle Taylor recommends his five favorite underrated films.
Wanted Men In the late 1800's, Jonathan Way and later George Hiter attempted to escape justice by fleeing the state.
Five Faves: Adara's Favorite YA/Jr. High Series Library Clerk Adara Meyen recommends her five favorite YA/Jr. High book series.
C.H. Moore C.H. Moore is a well-know figure in Clinton and this episode is just a brief overview of his life.
cloudLibrary Get to know the library's newest resource for ebooks and audiobooks.
What is a Seed Library & How Does It Work?
The seed library is a collection of seeds offered to the community to share, grow, and harvest. The seed library can be found on the Main Floor in the Audio Visual/Periodicals Room. The seeds include herb, flower, fruit, and vegetable seeds of many varieties and are housed in a card catalog. Access to the seed library is completely free! You "checkout" the seeds, plant them, and then harvest the new seeds. We ask that you return some of the new seeds back to the library.
Patrons must have a library card in good standing to "checkout" seeds. If you need a library card and you live within our district, you can apply for a card at the Circulation Desk.
The Vespasian Warner Seed Library is sponsored in part by the Friends of the Warner Library.
Looking for the planting information that is located on a seed packet? Visit the websites listed below or ask a staff member for assistance. Library card holders may use public computers to print planting information for free, up to 10 b&w pages.
Seed Library
The library is now on YouTube! Find us and subscribe at https://www.youtube.com/@VespasianWarnerPL to get access to many of our most popular videos. New content is added all the time so be sure to subscribe!
The Library maintains a large collection of Video Games for patrons, including
PlayStation 3 & 4, Switch, Wii, Wii U, XBox One & 3. Video Games are located on the main floor in the Audio/Visual Room & are available for a 2 week check out / 3 items per household.