Whether you like non-fiction or fiction, a physical book or digital, the library staff have you covered with four amazing 5 star reads! Two staff members even fought over one staff pick! Can you guess which one?
Quackery: A Brief History of the Worst Ways to Cure Everything
by Lydia Kang

Tucked away in the Non-Fiction section, you will find Adara's 5-star staff pick. Take a peek at why Adara enjoyed this book so much.
"Equal parts amusing and disturbing, Quackery is a window into the weird, unlikely, and downright dangerous treatments and practices of the medical profession through the ages. From leeches and arsenic to trepanning and mummy powder, the treatments in this book range from bizarre but mostly harmless to risky or even lethal. Many of these so-called ‘cures’ could be even more dangerous than the illnesses they treated. As you read, take a moment to be thankful for modern medicine, and whatever you do, DO NOT TRY ANY OF THIS AT HOME!!!"
The Green Mile by Stephen King

Don't let the author's name fool you into thinking this book should fall in the horror genre. Missing the blood and gore that you would normally think of with the horror genre, this King book falls more into the psychological drama genre. Here is why Kyle rated this book 5 stars for his staff pick.
"King’s novel about death and innocence is really about life and guilt. Why do good men die and bad men live? A man recounting the horrors he commits and expressing his regrets all while approaching the same fate those other men did. Even in a world full of death there is some beauty in life. Full of some of King’s best characters and simply one of his best books."
Written in Red by Anne Bishop

Recommended by Aric, this fantasy series will draw you in and not let go! You can tell Aric loves this series by how many times he recommends it! Why is Aric so passionate about this series as his staff pick?
"Written in Red is a quick paced read with tons of amazing world building. Anne Bishop creates a world filled with action, great characters, and plenty of humor. This is a book series that I have reread several times in the past and I am sure to do so again in the future."
North Woods by Daniel Mason

Some books are just worth fighting over! Lucas and Rachel both gave this book 5 stars for their staff pick.
Lucas had this to say about his 5 Star pick.
"I loved North Woods because it was different than any book I've ever read. I even find it hard to describe, but the perspective changes every few chapters and it has certain chapters that are coming from the point of view that I never could have imagined. I'm not sure if pollen and seeds are sentient, but if they are, Daniel Mason nailed their POV!"
Rachel has recommended this book to several patrons already! To be honest, Lucas suggested Rachel read this one so he gets all the credit.
"Pulling you in from the very beginning, this beautifully written story of a house and surrounding property and all of it's inhabitants - human, animal, and plant - is different than anything else I have read. This book will forever live on my bookshelf."
We hope the staff at Vespasian Warner Library
have given you a few more books to add to your "To Be Read" list!
Our TBR lists are always growing with patron recommendations and
the staff are happy to return the favor!
Until Next Time Library Friends!
Happy Reading!