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Behind the Scenes: What Happens Before the Library Opens

Writer's picture: RachelRachel

Photo of library staff looking in the locked front doors
Hello? Is anyone in there?

"Why are you closed until 9AM if staff start working at 8AM? I can see you at the desk, so why are you not open? What are you doing?"

From 8-9AM every morning is the "Quiet Hour" at the library, but don't be deceived! Despite the staff arriving at 8AM, they are not just sitting around. There's a lot of work involved in preparing the library to welcome you at 9AM. So, you may wonder, what are we doing during that time?


So What Are Staff Doing?

Photo of Madisyn opening the front book drop
Look Out Madisyn!

After opening her first Dr. Pepper of the day, one of the first behind the scenes tasks involves Madisyn battling the book monsters that gobble up all the books left by people overnight or during weekends and holidays . Some days the book drops hold a few items for brave staff members to retrieve, while at other times, it requires multiple trips to grab all the items. Each day is a new challenge, as the famous line from Forrest Gump goes, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.”

After all staff members are present and caffeinated, staff meet in different groups as needed. Sometimes that is a whole staff meeting, sometimes it is by floor, or maybe one-on-one meetings are required. Daily staff meetings include ironing out program details, updates on program changes, new tasks that need to be tackled, and a bit of laughter!

Photo of the IHLS card with tubs full of items from other libraries
"The Cart"

Once the IHLS delivery driver arrives, Rachel and Madisyn transfer the cart of books to the circulation desk, unload the boxes, and check in all the items received from other libraries.

Photo of Madisyn with the stacks of items to be checked in from the book drop and IHLS tubs
Madisyn with everything that needs to be checked in!

On average, we receive 700 items from other libraries for our patrons every month. Each of these items must be checked-in, with hold slips printed as necessary. In addition to all the items coming in for our patrons, we also average about 1000 items that we send to other libraries for their patrons. All of those items find their way back home to your library when the deliveries come in the morning.

Photo of Rachel making phone calls with a stack of books in front of her
"Hello, this is Rachel..."

If you have selected to be notified by phone when your item arrives, Rachel begins making those phone calls next with a cup of tea by her side.

Now that all items are checked in, shelving begins! Kyle, Bobbi, and Madisyn make every effort to shelve all items on the Main Floor, while Kelsey focuses on shelving items on the Children's Floor, in order to provide the most up-to-date and best selection of items for you even before the library doors open.

This might already sound like a lot, but there is more! While all of this is going on, other staff members are working hard in other areas.

Photo of Kelsey cleaning Luna's rocks
Cleaning Luna's rocks

With her water bottle in hand, Kelsey works on taking care of Luna, the library's bearded dragon, and making sure all of Luna's needs are met. This includes cleaning Luna’s enclosure and occasionally treating her to a spa bath.  Kelsey also prepares Luna’s daily meal that includes a bowl of cut up vegetables and a special treat like a worm, cockroach, or cricket.  Once Luna’s needs are met, Kelsey works on shelving the Children’s Floor items and doing some shelf reading to make sure the books and DVDs are in their correct places and ready for visitors. Kelsey also handles the watering of all of our indoor plants.

Photo of Melissa staring at her calendar
Where can I add that program?

After enjoying a few sips of Dr. Pepper, Melissa is busy planning programs for the Teens and younger kiddos as well as family events and storytimes. This includes checking her emails to arrange speakers and presenters and making a variety of phone calls to make sure everything is lined up and ready for the next fun program.

Photo of Melissa pulling out supplies for the next program
Time to prep!

As programs get closer, prep work and set up for each program must be done each morning. A final check that the Children's Floor is straightened and ready for you is completed before the library doors open.

Photo of Bobbi sitting at her desk reading a book review magazine
Reading Book Reviews

On the main floor, Bobbi is busy walking the main floor with a cup of tea to make sure everything is in order. She straights books while she puts them on the shelves, fills empty spots on displays, and fluffs the giant beanbags in the YA Lounge as part of her daily routine. Bobbi also starts her day by counting the cash drawer and making deposits. As director, Bobbi touches base with the staff to make sure everything is running smoothly for you to have a pleasant experience at the library.

Photo of Kyle at his desk answering the phone
"You have several new messages..."

Fueled up on Diet Coke, Kyle begins checking the library e-mails and voice messages. He is responding to a variety of messages, including program RSVPs, room reservations, and renewing items for library users. Next Kyle sets his sites on shelving books and DVDs on the main floor after they have been checked in so you can find them when you drop by.

Photo of Emily at her computer
Emily making social media posts!

After checking for new Summer Reading registrations, Emily can be found drinking her butter coffee and touching base with Melissa to discuss various program ideas and updates. This is then followed by a brief catch-up with Bobbi. Responding to emails and returning phone calls about upcoming programs are next on the list. Finally, Emily concludes her "Quiet Hour" by taking pictures and scheduling posts for social media to keep you up to date on all the upcoming programs at your library.

Man, you would think that would be enough... but you'd be mistaken! We haven't even talked about Lucas and Trevor! Daily maintenance of the building and the grounds involves picking up sticks, raking leaves, painting trim, and watering flowers during the warmer months. Lucas and Trevor can be seen tending to these outdoor chores whenever the weather permits. During winter, there's snow to shovel and salt to spread to make sure you can get into the front door without a hitch. No matter what the season, coffee cups are required for both of our hardworking maintenance men.

Photo of Trevor dusting one of the many offices
Fingerprints and Dust!

Trevor makes sure the bathrooms are clean and ready for the day. Fingerprints on the glass doors, countertops, and other frequently touched surfaces are wiped away and floors are vacuumed and swept each day. Every day brings something different for Lucas and Trevor! Clogged pipes, trapped birds, broken glass, large fallen tree branches... they are constantly surprised by what each day has in store for them!

Well, there you have it!

A behind the scenes look at the activities staff are busy doing during the "Quiet Hour" between 8-9AM to make your experience

here at the library a bright spot in your day.

There is a lot going on... and none of it is really quiet!

Hope you enjoyed this behind the scenes look!

Until Next Week!

The Vespasian Warner Library Blog

is published every Friday on our website

and shared on our Facebook page!


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