Stop by the Children's Floor & let your voice be heard by voting for your favorite book character!
Are you Team Harry? Maybe Team Pigeon?
Voting will take place all month! Make sure to come in & vote each week as the brackets will narrow weekly until we have a winner!
P.S. - Adults can vote, too!!
Want to read more about elections? After you cast your ballot, grab a book to take home to learn a little more!

Bad Kitty for President
by Nick Bruel
Kitty decides to run for President of the Neighborhood Cat Association. Will he win?
Juvenile Fiction - J Bruel N

See How They Run
by Susan E. Goodman
Using witty anecdotes and clear explanations, the author takes readers from the birth of democracy to the electoral college; from front porch campaigning to hanging chads.
Juvenile Non-Fiction -
J UNITED STATES Government Elections

Grace for President
by Kelly DiPucchio
When Grace discovers that there has never been a female U.S. president, she decides to run for school president.
Children's Picture Book - JE DiPucchioK

I Voted: Making a Choice Makes a Difference
by Mark Shulman
A lighthearted, nonpartisan introduction to the concept of voting helps readers understand the individual and group power of participating in elections regardless of expected outcomes.
Juvenile Non-Fiction -
J UNITED STATES Government Elections

Duck for President
by Doreen Cronin
When Duck gets tired of working for Farmer Brown, his political ambition eventually leads to his being elected President.
Children's Picture Book - JE Cronin D