The library houses books it's true, but did you know about the other things contained within the library walls? Rainy day? Join the library fairies for a tour of all the different kinds of activities and adventures for young and old alike inside the library walls!
Morgan and Echo here! We are excited that spring is finally here and just like you we are itching to spend some time outside! Unfortunately as the spring rains begin to fall and later the summer heat invades we know getting outside isn't always an option. Never fear! The library can help keep you busy on days when you are bored inside!
While checking out books to take home is an awesome option, don't forget the library contains so much more than just books! Check it out!
Games For All Ages!

The library houses a large collection of games that can be checked out or played right here in the library! For young adults Clue, Stratego, Telestrations and so many more are available. Echo, W.B., and I love to play Star Wars Monopoly! And as an added bonus, there is a young adult table that is reserved specifically for 7-12 grade students. Grab a game off of the shelves, or bring your own! Teens can also sign up for the Tabletop Teen D&D that will take place at the library throughout the summer! Spots around the table are limited and registration is required so sign up today!
On the children's floor, challenge your friends to a game of Battleship, Jenga, or Memory. Just don't play Memory with Echo! She is fantastic and will beat you everytime!
Puzzles, Puzzles, And A Few More Puzzles!

Games not your thing? Check out the puzzles on the main floor. In the audio/visual room, the library staff keep a community puzzle out on a table for anyone that would like to work on it. W.B. spends a ton of time here working puzzles. Usually Snickers the Gargoyle helps him lift all of the pieces into place. After adding a few pieces yourself, select a puzzle to check out to work on at home!

Feel like you are a puzzle master? Assemble a team of up to four players and compete in the library's Jigsaw Puzzle Competition on Saturday, May 20th, 2023. W.B. is so disappointed that he cannot compete but employees and fairies are not eligible to compete! Call the library to sign up your team today!
Just Relax My Friends!
Looking to relax a bit? Browse our magazines and newspapers on the main floor! You can even sink into one of the bean bag chairs in the Young Adult Lounge and get super comfy. Seriously, they are like giant marshmallows. So comfy!
We Love Local History!

Check out the local history displays throughout the building if you are interested in feeding your brain. Displays of items from the library's archives can be found on the main floor in the Audio/Visual room and in the local history section! Current displays include products made in DeWitt County over the years and Abraham Lincoln artifacts. Displays change often so check back!

Want to learn more about what is housed in the library's archives? Check out The Tales from the Archives videos on our Facebook page! Bobbi discusses a new topic from the archives on the second Tuesday of each month. I always learn something new and interesting when I tune in!
Toys, Puppets, and SO MUCH MORE!
For all of our little friends, there is so much to do on the children's floor! Bring your friends for a fun playdate. The library contains a variety of different toys including small animals, blocks, and a new light table plus so much more. Our little friends can put on a fun puppet show at the puppet theatre or sit down with a Rita Harris book bag that contains a book and a soft toy. Or maybe let your artistic side have a little fun by creating something to hang on the monthly board! This month is ducks in puddles! Echo, W.B., and I love to hear all of the excitement as children create their masterpiece. Or maybe you are up for a scavenger hunt! Did you know that Mel painted several life-size animals to add to the children's floor? Can you find all 8 of them? I must admit when the life-size orca went up on the wall I was amazed at how big an orca is in real life! I am NOT a fan of the life-size snake, just saying!
Fairy Mail!

Finally, don't forget to leave the fairies a note or a drawing! We LOVE to get mail in our little mailbox on the main floor. It is so fun to hear all about your pets, favorite colors, and so much more! We celebrate when you make the t-ball team, earn that BUG award, or perform in the school play! We decorate the inside of our houses with all of your artwork! And we love, love, LOVE to answer all of your questions. Don't forget to write your first name on your letter or drawing so we can write back! Here is a peak at some of the wonderful artwork we have received this month!