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Prizes, Raffle Tickets, and Programs...

Writer's picture: RachelRachel

Photo of 2 tiny beach chairs full of books, reading records, and reading prizes

The library is CrAzY busy right now and we ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!! So many people reading, collecting prizes, filling out raffle tickets, and attending programs! Even the library fairies are reading up a storm. So what have Morgan, Echo, and W.B. been up to this past month? Check it out!


Hello all! Morgan here! This has been such a crazy, busy month! The fairies were all super excited to join in the Summer Reading again this year! All three of us love to read and when you add in the cool prizes... we were hooked! We were just a handful of the almost 700 people that have signed up for Summer Reading so far!

We all have our reading paths and have claimed a few prizes! I have been reading some fairy chapter books and of course some gardening books! Echo has been wanting to redesign some of the rooms in her house so she has been reading all about famous miniature rooms. W.B. had been brushing up on the classics including Shel Silverstein's A Light in the Attic and now he's deep into C.S. Lewis' The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe series! He's on book three, which is The Horse and His Boy.

W.B. is in the lead! Make sure and look for his marker on the Children's Floor board! He just completed his 4th row! He has picked some pretty wonderful prizes so far including a sandwich, new puppy pet, a cactus in a pot, and his very own sports car! I wonder what he will pick for his 5th week! He has been filling out #3 on all of his raffle tickets! He REALLY wants the airfort! It is ALL he talks about!

Echo and I just claimed our 3rd prize and are tied! Echo grabbed a dragon to protect her sand castle, a new sweet puppy dog, and a huge (to us) yellow dog! I really wanted a skateboard! Man, learning to ride a skateboard is HARD! Even with wings! I rewarded myself with a frog donut for my next prize to regain some of my energy. I also found a little bookmark that will be wonderful for our fairy books.

Photo of the raffle ticket bin with several raffle tickets including small fairy entries
Teeny Tiny Fairy Entries!

Don't forget to fill out your tickets for the grand prize raffle! Echo & I have been writing #19 & #20 on all of our entry forms! Ice cream and miniatures, of course. If you look real close in the raffle tub you can find our tickets mixed in with all of yours.

AND don't forget

about the programs!!

Photo from above of a Dungeons & Dragons set up
Dungeons & Dragons!

Logan set up the Dungeons & Dragons game board for us one night so we could play! We had so much fun. While it takes some getting used to - I mean, who is used to a 20-sided die & creating your very own character with a special class and abilities - it was a lot of fun!

Photo of a table with a Dungeons & Dragons map set up
I wonder which fairy won!?

Don't forget the D&D program runs for teens on July 19th & Aug 2nd! Epic quests, puzzling intrigue, and unbelievable worlds are only a dice roll away! Call the library to reserve your seat at the table! Don't know how to play? Never fear, Logan will guide you through!

Photo of a woman doing yoga on the library grass with tiny fairy yoga mats & water bottles
Yoga with Emily!

Echo and I also had a special fairy only session of Yoga on the Lawn with the amazing Emily! We grabbed our yoga mats and water bottles and headed outdoors. Emily really made our first yoga experience fun and enjoyable! Yoga is a wonderful way to stretch your body and calm your mind. Yoga on the Lawn classes will continue on July 11th & July 25th at 10AM! Kids can reserve their spot on the lawn by calling the library!

And July continues with so many other programs!

  • Make your own cup phones at the Soundwave String Phone Program

  • Learn about frogs and toads, and hear their singing up close and personal with our friends from the Macon County Conservation District at the Frog Songs Program

  • Expand your garden knowledge with the More than Shade: Explore Summer Blooming Trees webinar with our friends from Illinois Extension

  • Create some cool Color Scratch Postcards - We already made ours!

  • Make your very own tambourine at the next Making Music Program

  • Or create a "disaster piece" during Bad Art Night


Photo of large teen program announcement & two tiny fairy postcards
Check out Morgan & Echo's colorful postcards! So tiny!

Photo of Dino O'Dell sitting in the grass with a small guitar

Finally, we are super excited to catch Performer Dino O'Dell at the Summer Reading Celebration on Saturday, July 22! Mr. O'Dell will share how he finds his voice with music and stories from around the world!

To grab some more information about all of the fun programs above, head over to our Upcoming Events Page!

Until next month my library friends! Stay cool and keep reading! You're all rocking Summer Reading! We are so proud of you!

The Library Fairies,

Morgan, Echo, & Weatherby (W.B.)


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