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  • Writer's pictureMorgan

Theories & Goose Speaks for the First Time

Updated: Apr 27, 2023

Photo of a Wanted Poster for Goose that has been vandalized
Wait... Who is GUS?!?!

Recent events have caused quite the stir at the library! Everyone, from staff members to patrons, have their own opinions as to what really happened & if Goose is innocent or guilty! Today we will explore those theories & speak to Goose himself in an exclusive interview!


Remember those "Wanted for Questioning" posters? Well, they caused quite the stir here at the library last week! People wrote things like "FREE GOOSE" & "He was framed" on the "Wanted" posters! Everyone, staff & patrons alike, seemed to have their own theories! In order to be fair & look at all angles, I asked the staff to write down what they thought. Buckle up! Some of these theories will take you for a wild ride!

Photo of Goose at the library
Such a handsome boy!

Meet Goose, our main suspect! Goose is a 4 month old Goldendoodle! He is approximately 20" tall & weighs around 30 lbs. He is fluffy, super soft, & absolutely adorable! This sweet boy is the fur baby of Lucas - the Maintenance Supervisor, & Mel - the children's room clerk. Goose LOVES the library, & the library staff LOVE Goose! It is not surprising that most of the staff think that he is completely innocent.

"I wasn't there, but I KNOW Goose. He's a good puppy going through the library every day checking every corner & book shelf to make sure all is good. He is innocent I tell you, he's innocent."

- Marie, Adult Program Coordinator

"I don't think it was Goose, but he is a puppy. Puppies have a hard time controlling their impulses sometimes. Even if he did do it, how can you stay mad at that adorable little face?"

- Rachel, Circulation Clerk

"He's sooooo guilty! I have no doubt."

- Samantha, Business Manager

" 100% guilty, but love him anyway!"

- Bobbi, Library Director

Even patrons were overheard discussing "The Case".

"I don't think it was him, he has white hair. That is not his hair."

- Calvin, Patron on the Children's Floor

"I just don't know."

- Unknown young lady on the Children's Floor

"Maybe he could have done it. I mean, he is a puppy."

- Unknown young man on the Children's Floor

However Aric, Christin, & Trisha had the most interesting theory & even edited the Wanted Poster to reflect their opinion.

"It was Goose's evil twin, Gus."

- Aric, Circulation Supervisor

Photo of Goose with his humans
Goose & His Humans!

So I thought that the best thing to do was to meet with Goose & his human parents for a interview to answer some of my questions & to get his side of the story. His human parents had to wear blindfolds during the interview so we could all be in the room together. It is fairy law that I cannot be seen by humans. Even though the conversation with Goose would sound like just barking to humans, fairies are able to understand everything an animal says. Here is our conversation.

Me: "There are several theories as to what happened at my door. I wanted to talk with you about those theories & hear your side of the story. Thank you for meeting with me."

Goose: "I am glad that we could meet."

Me: "Aric thinks you might have an evil twin. Is that true?"

Goose: "I have 8 brothers & sisters, but only one that looks like me. But Bernie lives in Arizona & has not been here since his adoption. It was not Bernie or "Gus". I do not have an evil twin."

Me: "So why were you in the library on Tuesday?"

Goose: "I will sometimes come to the library with my human dad, Lucas, who is the Maintenance Supervisor at the library. I also will visit the children's floor where my human mom, Mel, works as the Youth Services Assistant. You can usually find me at the library in the mornings outside helping Dad weeding flowerbeds, picking up sticks, watering flowers, & taking care of other ground maintenance tasks! I will sometimes make a second appearance around lunch time! When Dad takes me for a walk at noon, I will always try to lead him to the library so I can see all of my library friends!"

Me: "Were you at my fairy door that morning? If so, why?"

Goose: "Yes. I was doing my usual morning walkthrough while my dad was cleaning out some radiator pipes. I like to walk around & make sure that nothing is out of place or suspicious. When I got to your fairy door, I saw the sticks on the firepit. Sticks are my weakness... I LOVE STICKS! I tried to walk away, but I just couldn't. I looked the other way & tried to distract myself, but my mind just kept thinking about those sticks!"

Me: "Goose, did you play with my firepit?"

Goose: "Yes. And I am sooooo sorry! At first I just wanted to sniff them. That changed to "I wonder how they taste" and before I knew it, they were in my mouth & I created a terrible mess. I have been working very hard to be a good dog at the library. I try so hard to be good! All I really wanted to do was make sure your door was safe & secure! But those sticks were just too tempting..."

Me: "I forgive you Goose. I know that being a good puppy ALL THE TIME is so hard! If I move things away from my door for awhile, will that help you?"

Goose:" Yes! Thank you so much for helping me try to be a good dog! I love coming to the library to visit with all of my human & fairy friends! If you ever need anything, I would be happy to help!"

Me: "Well... If you wouldn't mind giving me a ride around the library sometimes while you do your rounds, I would love to spend some more time with you!"

Goose: "I can do that! It will be fun! I can zoom super fast! Do you like to go fast?"

Me: "Of course! I cannot wait!"

What a relief! We all now know what happened & why.

Goose's Humans, Lucas & Mel, thought that I would be mad, but look at that face! How can you be mad at that fluffy fur baby! Goose really is the sweetest! But, Goose is a puppy! He has very little self control, but is working hard at making himself better! In order to not tempt Goose into bad behavior, my fairy door will not be decorated until Goose is out of this phase! I will continue to decorate my garden in the nearby plant!

Three more things to note.

  1. Since this meeting Goose & I have become wonderful friends! We play every morning he is here & LOVE spending time together. Goose was even introduced to our other fairy pets Dozer the Dragon & Snickers the Gargoyle. If you haven't met Dozer & Snickers yourself, just ask a library staff member! They will be happy to introduce you!

  2. I have been working with Goose on how to shake! If you see him, ask him to "sit" & "shake"! Give him tons of praise if he does!

  3. A special thank you to sweet Miss Elise! She heard about the chaos & destruction at my door & brought me Tony, the guard lion! Tony may look fierce & mean, but he is really a softie! Don't tell Goose! Feel free to pet Tony & even pick him up, just make sure to put back in front of my door when you are done! Thank you Miss Elise for your thoughtfulness & protection!

Goose's formal statement is below. Copies of this statement can be found at the front desk, children's floor desk, & my door & garden.


I would like to formally apologize to the Fairies, Library Staff, and Patrons for my behavior. It's me, Goose, destroyer of the fairy garden. I didn't mean to do it, honest! Sometimes, I see things that are on the ground and they look like so much fun I can't help myself! I just took a sniff at first, but then I needed to see what it tasted like, and then I realized I made a huge mess! I should have apologized right away, but I was scared! I am so very sorry, as a 4-month-old puppy, I tend to have impulse control issues. I know it isn't an excuse, and I'm working on being a well-behaved puppy. I sure hope you can all forgive me and let me continue to visit!


Goose "

Remember, if you see Goose, do not be too hard on him & tell him he is a "Good Boy", because deep down, he really is!

Until next time my library friends,

Morgan, The Main Floor Fairy

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